Sunday, September 11, 2011

I have regretted posting this

This is the one thing that i never wanted to post until after J was one. I have had to officially quit breast feeding. After all of the struggles we have been thru not latching having to exclusively pump a dairy/soy allergy, the process of getting him back on the breast, and now thw worst of it. I have two bulging discs in my back and im in some pretty bad pain so im on some pretty heavy duty pain killers and a very strong muscle relaxer that you cannot breast feed on. Im so done with the pumping and him not being able to drink it, and who knows when all this will solve itself. So im done i throw in the towel i give up i quit.
Lets just say this is already killing our budget already. Oh well till tomorrow have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. It is so tough making that decision. You did your best, and that is all anyone can ask.


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