Thursday, May 5, 2011


In a moment of rare peace and quiet in my home im updating again. im trying to do this almost every day so i can look back and remember alot of these things because at the current moment i cant remember what i ate yesterday for dinner.
J at the current moment is passed out in his swing in the living room he is probably sleepy from the long night of fussing and crying we went thru last night. He just wanted to be held all night and im not the co sleeping kind of person that scares me so he sleeps in his crib. So i rock him till he falls asleep then an hour later he wakes up and realizes that he is alone and then comes the screaming/crying. I have to get his bottle warmed up his diaper changed then back into bed, then i have to pump because his crying made me engorged. so by the time im finally back in bed cuddled up with justin we have to start all over again.
having a child is no joke. i was watching 16 and pregnant yesterday and i ended up being so mad at these stupid high school girls thinking having a baby was gonna be easy and thinking their 16 year old boyfriends where gonna stick around and help them. ha! They would have a better chance at finding water in a desert. I really do think they should give their babys up well most of them some of the girls do act like adults, but most of them just do the pissy im gonna shout till i get my way like a five year old. God i hope when J gets older he does not end up knocking some stupid hoe up!

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