Sunday, March 11, 2012

sometimes people are crazy!

I know a group of mom's online that i talk to daily that all gave birth around the time that i did. Well one of these mom's is crazy, like when a candy makers makes a new product but its gross everyone wonders why the hell did they even put it on the market crazy. She lies about little things and its hard for me to restrain myself from pointing them out and telling her off.
I also have a mommy friend i live by who has a son who is three days older the J and the other day i ran into her at walmart and she was all excited we where talking about how both of the babies where going to be one soon and then she mentioned how she was going to turn her son forward facing. It took every ounce of my being not to go off on a rant on how extended rear facing is so much better and safer for him. I kept my mouth shut, but i have been subtly posting things on my Facebook wall about extend rear face all day, and it shall continue!
This is my kind of crazy i have been talking on the phone with my agency about the IP's and i feel like I have begun to get to know them! It will be weird in the dilvery room when two of the people their wont speak English and one will be their to translate. That's a lot of people seeing my lady parts i have to be sure i am expertly groomed! Dr Mai always told me it takes a lot to be a woman!
J has really been getting bold with his walking taking more and more steps alone not running walking slow deliberate steps to keep himself upright. He gets so happy with himself sometimes he does this little funny squeel thing. We have also started to do infant potty training with him setting him on the potty before bed and when he gets up for nap and thru the day. So far Nada not even a drop in the pot but her sure does love to take the inner piece out and put it back he gets loads of hugs and kisses and claps when he does it!
J's first snow angel

unwrapping thomas

rub a dub dub Jelly in a tub

J and mommy

Bowls make perfectly good hats

My fav toy!
Here is a little photo Bomb to end the post :)

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