Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Double take

today was J's first long car ride anywhere and let me tell you he rode like a champ. He was a bit fussy when we where getting ready and i was a little worried about that but the moment we pulled out of the drive way my little man was crashed out like the cat is in the sun. We drove an hour up to pueblo to go trade some stuff on craigslist that someone wanted from us ( little boys grow out of their newborn clothes so fast :( ) Well anyhow, we went looking at some home decoration stuff, and just browsing around ( we are in the middle of looking for a new living room set and didnt really find anything that i really felt like belonged in my house so we left to go to taco bell ( not healthy but i have been craving it!! ) we where sitting down waiting on our food when someone walks into the store and her little girl was in the same carseat as j was, i thought that alone was pretty cool, but then she goes on to talk to someone at the cash register and she starts saying how she just turned tow months old today and then my jaw dropped. J's turned two months old today and they are in the same car seat! What are the chances of the happening one in twenty trillion i think. J has an almost twin out their and it makes me smile to think about it.
I think for the next baby im going to make it a suprize so that was justin can tell me after i have gone thru the long labor and pushed the sweet secret that my body has been keeping ( we are hoping for a girl next time around ) But thinking about j's almost twin i got to thinking about the next baby. I have caught baby fever. while i didnt enjoy being pregnant I like the end result. I like the sleepless nights because im more of a night owl anyways and J so far has turned out to be a relatively good baby hardly ever crys and is a joy to be around. He is just growing up to fast and is now wear 3month clothes. I did keep a few of his onsies and a couple of overalls to start his baby quilt from ( im going to make him a quilt of all his baby clothes to give to his son/daughter )
But to my sweet little boy you are two months old today and you are still the apple of my eye the only person i have ever feel in love with so fast was your daddy. I have waited patiently for you for months and now that you are here i am enjoying every hug kiss and cuddling session. Every time you break out into you gummy grin and you coo back at me when i talk to you, makes my heart beat faster knowing that i get to enjoy your sweet innocence, and unconditional love every day. In some way this blog is a record to show to you when you are older so you know what the beginning of your life was like, and to explain how much i love you. Happy two months J mommy loves you.

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