Friday, June 3, 2011

Im sorry

I haven't posted in a while but i have been going thru some upsetting times. The other day two of my friends where in a major single car accident and died and one more friend was flight for lifed up to a bigger hospital with a large trauma unit. These where people that i used to hang out with alot my sister even used to date one. The one in the hospital they dont know if he is going to make it, that he might have to much brain damage he might be a vegetable stuck on a ventilator for the rest of his life. God is unfair sometimes with who he picks and chooses. I remember one thing i was told when i was younger that the shorter life the greater the warrior in heaven they where, that they didnt need to be on earth and prove themselves for that long here on earth. In a way i wish god had taken my firend in the hospital so he does not have to suffer as he does now, how he is going to feel when he wakes up if he mentaly handicapped. I cannot imagine what it feels like. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the familys that where touched by this. No picture today just a quote

"As they die, the ones we love, we lose our witnesses, our watchers, those who know and understand the tiny little meaningless patterns, those words drawn in water with a stick. And there is nothing left but the endless flow."
~ Anne Rice

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